Part of the political process in this country is that we the people get to hear out those who want the job. Then we pick sides. Then we vote for our side. One person wins. Then that person goes against the other,other side. The process repeats. In the end, some of us win, some of us lose. Where is this deep-seated animosity toward the first "other" they seem to talk about so much. Maybe during the process we hold on tight. But it's over now.
All this talk of unifying the party. Unify, schmoonify. Hope the town of Unity is enjoying its cheesiest day in the sun. It's just so deliberately cheesey, I kind of want to ralph. Are they feeding the media? Did the media feed them this idea? Chicken or the egg?
At the end of the day people will deal with their options. The political process is what it is. I just really hope they refrain from anymore of these Unity parites. If this is how cheesey the SUPER TICKET will be... I don't think I can take it.