Friday, June 27, 2008

Aw, That's So Cute.

Just a quick question? Who decided the Democrats were so deeply divided amongst themselves? Oh, that's right. Pundits. Thank you cable news. It's like reality TV, the news only seems to be news because they choose to MAKE it news. Follow me?

Part of the political process in this country is that we the people get to hear out those who want the job. Then we pick sides. Then we vote for our side. One person wins. Then that person goes against the other,other side. The process repeats. In the end, some of us win, some of us lose. Where is this deep-seated animosity toward the first "other" they seem to talk about so much. Maybe during the process we hold on tight. But it's over now.

All this talk of unifying the party. Unify, schmoonify. Hope the town of Unity is enjoying its cheesiest day in the sun. It's just so deliberately cheesey, I kind of want to ralph. Are they feeding the media? Did the media feed them this idea? Chicken or the egg?

At the end of the day people will deal with their options. The political process is what it is. I just really hope they refrain from anymore of these Unity parites. If this is how cheesey the SUPER TICKET will be... I don't think I can take it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Orlando Does Not Have a Subway

Duh. Okay-- I miss New York. Some times more than others. Some times more desperately than others. But one thing continues to frustrate me one year into my life in Orlando. One thing remain elusive in my new life. One things I can't seem to squeeze into my strikingly less fabulous and far less busy life in the burbs...Music!

Music moves. It moves the heart, the soul, the brain, the body. Music helped me breathe, it nourished the manic moods that ultimately drove me from the city, but that brought passion to life. Music walked 61 blocks home from work on a breezy spring evening. Music kept me awake on the subway at midnight when I should have taken a cab. Music urged me on, through the third load of whites at the laundromat. Music relaxed me while I sunned in the Central Park grass. It sounds crazy, but it connected me to my own life.

There seemed so much more time for music. But it's the subway and music- that dynamic combination- that I often miss so much. I do, I miss the subway, rats and all. It's where I watched people, listened intently to the song of the moment, and read the news and Harry Potter. I have not found that profound connection with my hand-me-down Jeep Cherokee and my life is a little less full. Gonna have to work on that.

Maybe I'm a little less moody with a little less music in my life. But I also think that I'm a little less me.

Mia, Wade, Shane – Where Are You?

I know things aren’t always the same a second time around—never mind the third, or fourth—but what is up with So You Think You Can Dance right now? I’m happy to experience work of new choreographers… unless they continue to make bad musical choices and create dance pieces that are either boring, or not appropriate for the setting, or just not well executed.

Every season has its flat moments… but I find myself continually disappointed this season. What Mia—you have an Emmy now, other things to do? Wade—all we get is one season? Shane—America’s Next Best Dance Crew took priority? You’ve really let me down. Tyce, thank gosh for you!

One more thing: dance SHOULD tell stories—but it’s not theater! I’m a sucker for a good “lyrical – Hip-Hop” routine, but once in awhile it would be nice to see two people dance in sync and just push out some funky moves.

I continue to support the show, and yes, I voted last night—but this is my cry for the choreographers to make some better choices! Quick Step to Phil Collins!? Sigh.

My Fafarazzi Team right now ? Joshua, Kherington, Twitch.

Travis, come back.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big Wheel Rollin' In

Maybe it’s the cynic in me, but something about the London Eye is way cooler than the Orlando version we’ll be getting. No Thames, No Globe, No Big Ben. Just 25miles of restaurant rooftops and trees. I have mixed feelings about this.

Read the Orlando Sentinel announcement.

Weezer and Bananas Make Me Late for Work

As I'm leaving the house for work this morning, I reach for the remote to turn off the television when the new Weezer "Pork and Beans" video catches my eye.

Is that the "leave Brittney alone guy"? I'm intrigued.

It totally is-- the video features all kind of Internet/YouTube stars from years gone by-- the "shoes" guy, the "Brittney guy," "Afro Ninja guy," and a bunch of other vaguely familiar faces that brought back funny memories of wasted moments at work when we'd all gather round and say "OMG have you seen this!?"

And while my favorite purple dancing hippo doing Sisqo's "Thong Song" was missing, a personal favorite, the Dancing Banana is totally there!

"Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly, Peanut Butter Jelly, and a Baseball Bat"
Try to get that out of your head now.

See "Pork and Beans"

Need more? Check out "Pork and Beans" on Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do we love this millenium?

I guess it was bound to happen. How many versions of I Love the 80s can they produce? They will run out of things to love eventually.

I just watched a little of VH1's "I Love the New Millenium". Fun sure, but absolutely necessary? I'm not so convinced. Perhaps this would've been more fun, if we had to wait for it. At this point, it would be safe to say some music videos would suffice.

At least the music evokes more exciting memories than riding in the car with mom. In Da Club by 50 cent brings back slightly more provocative memories...of a whole five years ago. Didn't Lord of the Rings come out a few weeks ago? I guess time flies when you're having fun...

Well, they're doing it, may as well indulge, right? Check out the I Love the New Milleniumgame.

Oh, and I heart Michael Ian Black.

Forgive Me Carrie, for I Have Sinned

Repeatedly now, I've found myself in a room where I've had to suddenly burst into that noise you make when you don't want a surprise ruined... you know... "EH EH EH EH!!" with one hand covering an ear and the other hand forced out in the direction of the person who spoke last.

"I'm mad at Big because..."

"Oh I cried when..."

"I couldn't believe that..."

"I thought it was perfect that..."

I have managed to stop all of these sentences in their tracks. We'll see how much longer that will last.

I have not seen the movie yet. Please don't tell me anything. Not even about the stupid bird on her dress (this is the only thing that's been leaked to me). I feel like I've betrayed my own kind. Like I've betrayed Carrie Bradshaw. It's not like I don't care:

For years I've used Aidan, Big, Steve, Jack within analogies about my own love life. I am a sucker for big print, flowers, skirts, and fantastical (and curly) hairdos. Facebook proudly announces I am most like Carrie Bradshaw -- quirky, witty, and every guy's perfect first date." I have flitted out the door too many times to count commenting "I am SO Carrie tonight."

SATC is a profound television show that deeply impacted our culture, and has become part of our lives... so I feel so disconnected from the rest of the female race. I'm missing the final chapter. Why was this movie not a priority? I saw Kung Fu Panda first?!

I was a freakin' New Yorker for four years. I'm known in my closest circle for oft quoting Carrie and her "New York is my boyfriend, I don't need anything else" moments. Maybe I'm just avoiding an old flame? Oh well, no matter the reason, I must rectify the situation and fuel the fire so I can not feel like such a failure of a woman. Mission: Sex and the City this week.