Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Do we love this millenium?

I guess it was bound to happen. How many versions of I Love the 80s can they produce? They will run out of things to love eventually.

I just watched a little of VH1's "I Love the New Millenium". Fun sure, but absolutely necessary? I'm not so convinced. Perhaps this would've been more fun, if we had to wait for it. At this point, it would be safe to say some music videos would suffice.

At least the music evokes more exciting memories than riding in the car with mom. In Da Club by 50 cent brings back slightly more provocative memories...of a whole five years ago. Didn't Lord of the Rings come out a few weeks ago? I guess time flies when you're having fun...

Well, they're doing it, may as well indulge, right? Check out the I Love the New Milleniumgame.

Oh, and I heart Michael Ian Black.

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